Terms & Licensing
Terms & Licensing

General Terms
- All data provided by Manchester City Council is done so in good faith. Data may be of varying accuracy and may have been created for a different purpose other than that intended by the user.
- Manchester City Council will not be held responsible for decisions made based on the data provided.
- Manchester City Council reserves the right to remove and/or amend any data without prior notice.
- If the user wishes to access Manchester City Council data for commercial purposes, please notify the Council of this by emailing opendata@manchester.gov.uk
All Open Data (excluding INSPIRE datasets)
Unless otherwise stated, the data you access on the Manchester City Council website is published under the Open Government Licence. Upon accessing or "reusing" this licensed data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Open Government Licence. For further information please read the Open Government Licence for end users guidance.
When downloading and/or reusing any data, please ensure you carefully read, and understand, the terms and conditions of the Public Sector End User Licence, and provide a link to the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE. For further information please see data.gov.uk
Use and reuse of Manchester City Council data is subject to the licensee (User) publishing the attribution statement and publishing a URL link to the OGL 3.0 licence.
Attribution Statement
© Manchester City Council retains the sole intellectual property rights to all data.
This data set is licensed under the Open Government Licence 3.0
Open Data Policy Document
Read Manchester City Council's Full Open Data Policy Document
Upon accessing the INSPIRE licensed data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE
When downloading and/or reusing any data, please ensure you acknowledge Manchester City Council as the source of the data and provide a link to the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE